Thursday 12 April 2012

Recovery Buddies//Knit Life

This is Eric, and he is my Recovery Buddy. For many years I have struggled with an illness called DID (see my other blog HERE for info) which went along with an eating disorder and many years of self harm. Thankfully I am out the other end of harming (and my illness is under control at the moment), through alot of support and Eric.

So when I started thinking about Charity Knits over on Ravelry my first thought was why not start knitting recovery buddies for other people? There is a group over on Ravelry if you fancy joining in or if you just want to know more check out the Recovery Buddies blog or even if you need a recovery buddy yourself. It's a lovely thing to just snuggle, and know that it was made with love by someone who really does care. Go make a recovery buddy today, know that it WILL help someone and it just might save a person's life.
V xx

1 comment:

  1. Oh! This is such a super cute idea (:
    I've been struggling with a mental illness myself for many years and I know that it's very hard sometimes to console myself or be reasonable when my emotions just get the best of me...
    Perhaps I shall have to make one myself, Eric looks so comfy and cosy! (:
