Wednesday, 29 February 2012

My Knitting History

Welcome to my new little blog, It's a good place to knit. I guess I should start by telling you a little about my knitting history.
I learned to knit back in 2003, I was in the hospital for a while and a kind lady taught me the very basics, I went on to start a teddy bear (never finished) and then I kind of stopped knitting. I guess with studying, getting sick and scrapbooking there just never seemed to be enough time.

Fast forward to January 2010, and I picked up the needles again - it took me the whole year but I finished this bag:
I finally sewed it up in November, it's not very big and it sure isn't very fancy but I am very proud of it. Last month I decided to really get into knitting, and I've finished a few projects now (I'll share them in other posts) and I've got 6 projects on the go. I've finally figured out how to break up my days to fit in knitting; as well as learning how to knit a little quicker and concentrate on tv too. This year I have learned how to purl, so therefore I've learned a little about other stitches, knitting into the backs and fronts and really all kinds of fancy things. I'm loving knitting so I thought now might be a good time to start this new little blog; to share my tales of knitting - that's the good and the bad. I might even share the hat I knit for a 4 year old that fits my blythe doll!!!

V xx

PS - if you're stopping in from Tami's blog, then thanks for stopping by my new knitty blog - I'll be sharing some WIP's next week.